Thursday, January 3, 2013

Day 2 - Waking up at home

He's doing good today The grogginess from the anesthesia has finally worn off. He's up and wanting to play, but is definitely frustrated because he can't use his hands. :( He ate a whole bowl of oatmeal for lunch and has been watching movies and roaming the house trying to play with anything most of the day.

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Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Surgery Updates...

They took Mason back at noon. He was such a big boy carrying his doggie! He will be in surgery for 3 hours. Will keep you posted!

At 2:45pm: Just got an update from the nurses. Mason is doing great. Left hand is done and they are now working on his right. Procedure is taking a little longer than planned, but not due to complications or anything bad like that. Now expected to be out of surgery by 4:30pm.

At 5:02pm: Out of surgery. All went great! Will get to see him soon and then we will be discharged to go home. No overnight stay! :)

At 6:15pm: Waking up and watching cartoons.

At 6:16pm: Heading Home!!

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Location:Dell Children's Hospital

Surgery Today!

Mason will be having hand surgery today at 10:30am. This time they will be separating his middle and ring fingers on both hands. This surgery will involve the use of skin grafts from his groin area. We had originally been told that this would not happen because the doctor did not think it would add any additional function. However, after watching him use his hands this summer, the doctor now thinks it will be good for him.
The doctor had also mentioned trying to straighten his thumb again since the pins that were inserted last year did not hold. This time he wants to take a bone graft from his hip and insert the piece of bone into his thumb to add more structure to the thumb. At this time the thumb is not listed as one of the procedures for today, but the doctor might do it anyway.
We have been told that today's procedure is considered to be outpatient surgery so it is not expected that we will spend the night in the hospital, but we will be prepared to do so just in case.
Thank you all for your love, prayers, and support for Mason. We love you!

All smiles before the surgery!

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Location:Dell Children's Hospital, Austin

Friday, December 28, 2012

Happy Holidays from Our Family to Yours

Happy Holidays from Our Family to Yours

It's hard to believe that time has flown by so quickly!  Christmas was memorable this year.  Mason actually opened his presents this year, which was a big improvement from last year!  

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Our Little Fire Fighter

Our little Firefighter! :). He made it about half way around the block, and then got scared at a house that was playing scary noises. That was it. He was done. He cried all the way home!

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Saturday, September 15, 2012

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Surgery Day Again! May 8, 2012

Day 1 -

6:49 AM - Good morning! Surgery day again! This time is not a biggie (only tonsils and 3rd set of ear tubes). We will keep you posted throughout the day! :)

3:52 PM - Mason is doing great! He made it through surgery without any complications! He has already had ice cream (as can be seen by the the chocolate mustasche in the picture) and is happily playing with his toys. If things continue in this manner, he will be going home tomorrow! :)

Day 2 -

7:21 AM - Good morning! Mason slept most of the night, only waking to take meds. He did spike a fever of 101 once but was given Motrin. and it has been down ever since.

9:19 AM - We are outta here! :) Fastest discharge EVER! Lol!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Happy Birthday, Mason! April 26, 2012

I can't believe that it has already been 3 years since God graced us with the angel named Mason!
Happy Birthday to my sweet, wonderful baby boy! 
I love you!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Update - April 8, 2012

Hello all! I know it has been a while since our latest update. Since Mason's last surgery (the cleft palate repair and thumb surgery), Mason has been making great progress. He is trying to talk more and more. He says many things, but my favorite is "I-E-Ya" which is his version of "I love you!" :) He has acquired a few more teeth and is now up to 9 total with 2 more on the way. With his new teeth, he has discovered how to chew and bite. He ate his first non-pureed meal of Macaroni and Cheese not too long ago. Since then he has also discovered that he likes Spaghetti O's and today he even ate a few bites of pizza and a bite or two of a cupcake at a birthday party! It won't be long before he will be off all pureed foods! Mason's thumb surgery was successful, but in the weeks following, the muscles in his thumbs started to cause his thumbs to turn down again. To help maintain them being straight, he is having to wear thumb splints on a daily basis. The doctor will re-evaluate his thumbs in June to determine what steps we will be taking next with his hands. Coming up in May, he will be undergoing another surgery to insert his 3rd set of ear tubes and a tonsillectomy Although he will only spend 1 night in the hospital, he will be out of school for 1 to 2 weeks for recovery. We just had his evaluation for PPCD (the Preschool Program for Children with Disabilities) at BISD and he will be starting in the fall, with continued speech and occupational therapy throughout the rest of this school year and next. So as you can see, things are busy, busy, busy, but all is well! :) Thank you all for your continued prayers and support!